Anatoly Fedorovich Okhatrin

(4.10.1925 – 07.01.2002)
Anatoly Fedorovich Okhatrin – Outstanding Russian Researcher, Creator of the concept and mathematical model of weak and ultra-weak physical (microlepton) fields, Ph.D., full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Microleptone was attributed to Ohatrin with a mass of 10 maximum minus 40 to 10 maximum minus 30 grams, so the fraction of the electron mass. This particle is attributed to properties similar to the postulated axion.
It is assumed that photons and atoms can influence them, and therefore photographs of the earth’s surface show mineral resources such as oil and gold, etc. See more Low and Superlow.
Macroclusters and Superlight Particles

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Advances in Mathematical Theory and Applications
In 1980-2002 Dr. Okhatrin took an active part in the creation of equipment, systems and methods for searching for minerals based on the visualization of microlepton fields of objects.
He published more than 200 articles in the open press, participated in 12 specialized conferences, the author of inventions.
Dr. Okhatrin author of Gamma-7 devices and may others
Microlepton gut Microlepton GeoVision™ Technology is the method of distant exploring the Earth and is a technology of minerals search by their own microlepton emanations. During the photographing of the investigated area of the Earth(C) from the space satellite (D) on the photo emulsion, the photo gets and registers not only the visible image of the Earth surface, but also invisible microlepton emanation (B) of various geological objects (A). During the special processing visualization this invisible microlepton image becomes visible in optical diapason. Further computer processing allows to identify the searched geological objects, to determine their outlines and to make coordinate attachment.
Ein Mikrolepton (engl.: microlepton) ist ein Elementarteilchen, über das erstmals 1989 in einer Arbeit des Moskauer Physikers Anatoly F. Okhatrin in der sowjetischen Zeitschrift Doklady publiziert wurde.
Diesem Teilchen wurde von Okhatrin eine Masse zwischen 10 hoch Minus 40 und 10 hoch Minus 30 Gramm zugeschrieben, also Bruchteile der Elektronenmasse. Dem Mikrolepton werden ähnliche Eigenschaften wie dem ebenfalls postulierten Axion zugeschrieben. Es wird angenommen, dass Photonen und Atome von ihnen beeinflusst werden können und daher auf Photos der Erdoberfläche Bodenschätze wie Erdöl und Gold etc. erkennbar sind.
Patent EP0838208B1
European Patent Office
Device for treating an organism with energy
The proposed device for treating an organism with energy comprises a conductor mounted on a substrate and taking the form of an open three-dimensional helical curve; the conductor in the turns of the curve is arranged in the form of a spiral and the device is provided with an element for adjusting the intensity of the treatment in the form of a closed electrically conducting loop which can change position in relation to the three-dimensional helical curve. The latter can be ellipsoidal, while the closed loop is of curved shape and capable of rotating and sliding in relation to the three-dimensional helical curve. The conductor can be an electrically conducting coating applied to a dielectric material. The device can be provided with chemical elements which have bioenergetic properties such as tellurium, lanthanium, gadolinium, bismuth and so forth; the elements are accommodated in the area of the conductor. The proposed method of assessing the efficacy of the device involves measurement of the conductivity of biologically active points according to Foll using ten principal points for each foot and hand before and after treatment; determination for each point, of the deviation from a reference value 50+/-2 units of the device scale); and further measurements carried out at periods of 1, 24 and 48 hours following treatment. The efficacy of the treatment is based on the deviation in conductivity indicated by the measurement results after treatment not exceeding 40 % of the deviation in conductivity indicated by the results before treatment.
Patent WO2001022124A1
Method and device for determining rocks comprised in the earth crust, notably for mineral exploration
The inventive method comprises the following steps: microlepton radiation from studied objects is visualized by means of photographic printing on a data carrier of a negative containing an exposed image; and anomalies of said image are detected on the data carrier, whereby said anomalies are identified with the objects of interest. Photographic printing is performed through an optical filter representing at least two transparent plates, whereby a layer of the object of interest is placed therebetween. The thickness of the layer of the object of interest is selected in such a way that visible light could pass through the optical filter.
Patent WO2003075040A1
Integrated method for prospecting mineral deposits in a large spectral range including self-radiation of said mineral deposits
The inventive integrated method for prospecting mineral deposits using space and aerial photographs consists in fixing the self-radiation of a prospected deposit and the photoimage of a prospected territory on the photoemulsion of said photographs. The self-radiation of said deposit is located in the invisible part of the spectrum and has the nature of weak fields, i.e. subatomic fields which are experimentally fixed by corresponding sensors, and visualised after the amplification and computer processing thereof. The photoimage of the territory is located in the visible photon part of the spectrum including the infrared part thereof. Afterwards, space structural modelling based on a special databank of reference mineral deposits and on computer program packs is carried out in such a way that it is possible to pass from rough space photographs to more detailed satellite and/or aerial images having a lower resolution. Said successive steps are used in parallel for fixing, visualising and evaluating the intensity of subatomic radiation of the minerals within borders of the mine fields thereof in the Earth’s crust. Said two methods when used jointly make it possible to rectify the boundaries, stratification depth and volume of a mineral deposit.

A.F. Okhatrin has discovered microlepton – massive super partner of gravitation and photons
Okhatrin has discovered microleptons? 4-0
For a long time read that someone has opened any “microleptons”, that “microlepton radiation” passed through a brick wall and certain pictures of the radiation, which have been passed through such wall have been received. First this question has interested me, but then this theme was gradually forgot. Later, having read through articles of fighters with a pseudo science, having learned about ostensibly negative reaction of one of discoverers of a tay-lepton, began to think that it really is a pseudo science in full sense of this word. But somewhere the doubt remains, therefore, having come across recently again on this theme, has asked SCR on the above-stated question. It seems to me, all can appear serious. I consider that it is necessary to check up very carefully all at the most serious level both in theoretical and by way of experiment. Probably, quantum waves of spin reorganization torsion vacuum have been registered. It is a plausible variant.
On March, 31st, 2007.
Microleptons are a quantum wave of reorganization fiton vacuum? 1-2.
These are real particles? 2-0 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
More likely, they are closer to radiation 1-2.
On April, 01st, 2007.
Okhatrin the photos has partially forged 3-1.
But nevertheless microlepton radiation has been registered by him 1-1.
Microleptons pass through a concrete wall 2-0.
It is a particle of type of aksion and other hypothetical particles 2-0.
The microlepton already appeared in constructions of theorists 2-1.
It passes through a brick wall because does not participate in electromagnetic interaction 0-1. The microlepton participates in electromagnetic interaction 4-2.
———————– weak interaction 6-0.
———————– strong ————-2-1.
———————– gravitational ——1-1.
It participates in torsion interaction 2-2.
————– in any other fundamental interaction 2-0.
Microleptons are quantums of a field of interaction 2-1.
—————————- matters (of spin ½) 2-1.
Spin of a microlepton are equal to zero 0-1.
———————– 1/2 3-0.
———————– 1 1-2.
———————- 3/2 4-0. (!!!!!!!!!)
———————– 2 3-0.
—————- more than 2 1-2.
They refract in objective of the camera 2-0.
—————————————- because the material of an objective differs from a material of a wall 1-0.
Experiments of Okhatrin can be repeated in physical laboratories and it is possible precisely to register a microlepton 2-0.
It is easy for making 3-3.
Microlepton is described within the frameworks of the quantum theory of a field 1-1.
Its mass is equal to zero 0-1.
All the same its masst is equal to zero 2-5.
The mass of microlepton is more than mass of electron 2-1.
—————— is equal —————-1-0.
—————— less —————2-0.
The mass of microlepton is less than mass of electron 4-2.
—————— there is less than mass of electronic neutrino 1-2.
Electronic neutrino has mass less than 100 eV 0-0.
All three types neutrino have the masses not equal to zero 2-0.
The microlepton gets mass owing to spontaneous braking of symmetry 0-0.
It is the supersymmetric partner of any known particle 0-2.
Microlepton is the supersymmetric partner of graviton 3-1.
a photon 2-1.
bozons of weak interaction 2-3.
graviton namely, instead of a photon 1-0.
(probably, the question is too widely formulated)
Except forof microlepton there are still undiscovered experimentally fundamental particles, not including leptoquarks the big unification 3-0.
Except for particles known now, leptoquaks and these microleptons really do not exist any more fundamental particles, which can be opened experimentally 6-4.
Higgs bozon as elementary particles exist 5-2.
Field of Higgs exists, but particles are not present 2-3.
It is possible to say that microlepton is electrically neutral “heavy photon ” of spin 3/2, which participates in weak interaction 2-0.
Whether it is possible to say that confinement of quarks have already theoretically explained 1-0.
On April, 03rd 2007
Pathbreaker is assured that he has really discovered something new 2-2.
Its employees and supporters are assured of it 0-1.
The microlepton has been discovered on Arthur’s planet 0-1.
On Arthur’s planet have just now learned about a microlepton?! 0-2.
The microlepton exists, but it have not discovered on Arthur’s planet 4-2. (!!!!!!)
Therefore it is not present in their theory 0-1.
Till now on Arthur’s planet did not know about existence of a microlepton 3-1.
They have not found time to open it experimentally 2-0.
—————————— theoretically 3-0.
Now on Arthur’s planet will make amendments to the theory 2-1.
The microlepton appeared earlier in theoretical constructions of physicists on Arthur’s planet 3-1.
They will conduct experiments on detection of a microlepton 2-0.
Aliens of Arthur are surprised by the information that on their planet till now have not discovered microlepton 2-0.
On many advanced planets the microlepton is discovered 1-0.
On the majority of the planets, which have mastered interstellar flights microlepton is discovered 2-1.
There is a big number of the advanced planets, where it has remained undiscovered 2-2. (!!!)
The microlepton has a positive electric charge 4-3.
negative 3-2.
Its charge on absolute value is equal to a charge of electron 2-1.
Its electric charge is equal to zero 1-1.
not equal to zero 2-1.
Its mass lays within the limits of m < 1keV 0-1.
1keV < m < 50keV 3-0.
50 kev < m < 200 keV 3-1.
200keV < m < 400 keV 2-2.
Mass of a microlepton is approximately 0,2 MeV 5-1.
The constant of its interaction with electron is less than at a photon 3-0.
Intensity of its interaction with electron same, as well as at a photon 2-4.
The microlepton has the electric charge equal to zero and it is the carrier of electromagnetic interaction? 7-1.
Its constant of weak interaction same as at leptons 4-1.
It is more 2-0.
It is less 4-1.
It is much less 0-0.
It interacts with a photon and weak boson 4-1.
(That is it do not interact with photon)
Microlepton radiation is raised “by electromagnetic fields in systems with antennas of Tesla” 2-1.
In experiments of Okhatrin the microlepton is born due to weak interaction 2-3.
It is registered on a photoplate due to electromagnetic interaction 0-0.
Under condition of blackout, closing of access of photons 0-1.
In experiments on accelerators it is possible to find out microleptons 2-0.
But it is difficult for making 1-1.
It is easier to find out microlepton in experiments of type of Okhatrin 0-0.
In physical laboratories will start to repeat experiments of Okhatrin 0-2.
The microlepton, unlike a photon, passes through wall because it has a greater momentum, inertia 3-3.
On Arthur’s planet all masses of leptons and quarks are precisely received theoretically 4-2.
Quantum-field theory on Arthur’s planet, giving masses of leptons and quarks is renormalizable 1-0.
non-renormalizable 1-1.
After inclusion of a microlepton it becomes renormalizable 1-0.
From the most consecutive theory of superstrings existence of a microlepton follows 1-0.
From the theory of superstrings it is possible to receive unequivocally existence of a microlepton 0-1.
The theory, giving masses of leptons and quarks, cannot be renormalizable, if will remain within the limits of quantum-field theory 1-0.
Its renormalizability is possible only in the theory of superstrings 1-1.
A microlepton – the supersymmetric partner of a photon 1-2.
of graviton, and of a photon 2-2.
(it is obvious, a microlepton and graviton enter into one elementary supermultiplet, and together with a photon they are in wider group of symmetry)
The microlepton is closer superpartner of graviton, than of photon 1-1.
The mass of muon neutrino is more 1 keV 0-2.
The mass of tay-lepton neutrino is more 100 keV 0-1.
Except for microlepton and leptoquarkcs, on accelerators more any particles will not find 2-2.
Field of Higgs exists 1-1.
On Arthur’s planet on accelerators the maximal energy of protons is more 3 ТэВ 1-0.
10 TeV 2-1
How much I have understood from the Internet, about experiments of Okhatrin a little is known in details. So I suggest to conduct the following experiment. As the microlepton does not interact with a usual photon, being “a heavy photon”, therefore to use an electromagnetic field is useless and microlepton will not be generated by electromagnetic field. It may be born in collision of charged particles. As the microlepton has mass only in 2.5 times less than mass of electron, it can be born in the event, where energy of colliding particles is big enough only. It is necessary to push together massive particles, for example, to irradiate any material – for example, paraffin – by a stream of electrons of rather high energy. In parallel to the stream of electrons needs to be put, as at Okhatrin, brick, concrete or still any wall. The main thing is that it must not let pass of usual photons, including x-ray. At collision of electrons with protons photons and, as I suggest, microleptons will be born. The number of the last will be much less, as they are massive enough. Due to massiveness and inertness, they will pass through a not too thick concrete wall, where usual photons and the charged particles will be absorbed. Behind a wall it is necessary to place a chamber with a photographic plate, closed by black paper tightly (it seems, as in experiments of Okhatrin). Microleptons, having passed through a concrete wall and – it is very important – slowed down by it, will interact with a material of a photographic plate through electromagnetic interaction, and, hence, will be fixed by it. Analogously, slowed down neutrons are able to interact with the nuclei in the known process in the sample of Uranium-235.
4 april 2007
On Arthur’s planet physicists have learned about microlepton 2-0.
In the experiment suggested by me microleptons will be born 1-2.
Slowing down of microleptons is very important for reaction in a photographic plate 3-0.
It have not found earlier, because of its neutrality 4-3 .
12 april 2007
There are planets, where leptoquarks were observed on accelerators 3-1.
On the majority of the advanced planets leptoquarks have received on accelerators 2-2.
Have not received 3-0.
There are planets, where leptoquarks were observed in space beams 2-1.
There are even any ways to observe leptoquarks 3-0.
From the theory of superstrings it is possible to receive microleptons, but it will be ambiguous 2-4.
You thoroughly know the theory of superstrings 1-0.
At collision of electron with a proton, besides a microlepton any particle with opposite lepton charge is born 0-1.
(probably, also the microlepton is not born at collision electron with proton)
Exists microlepton neutrino 2-0.
A microlepton does not participate in strong interaction in any way 2-2.
Birth of a microlepton – rare enough event 1-0.
The certain type of an electromagnetic field (strong or variable), influencing something, will generate microleptons? 2-0.
It interacts with all weak bosons W (+), W (-) and Z (0) 2-1.
It interacts with Z (0) boson 0-9.
with W (+-) both weak and electromagnetically 3-5.
Its constant of weak interaction more than usual at 2-10 times 0-0.
more, than in 10 times 2-0.
more, than in 100 times 3-1. (!!!!!!)
1000 times 0-0.
Its constant of weak interaction with charged bosons is more because of electromagnetic interaction 0-3.
The UHF electromagnetic field, influencing something will generate microleptons 2-1.
It interacts only with the charged particles, weak bosons and Higgses 7-3.
Except for photons, intermediate bosons of weak interaction, gluons and leptoquarks are still gauge bosons 5-4.
The mass of tau-lepton neutrino is less 30 kev 2-0.
Its backs 1/2 5-4.
It participates only in weak interaction 3-1.
You do not want to give masses of tau-lepton and muon neutrinos 0-1.
In collisions of protons at energy 10 GeV it is possible to find out microleptons 2-0.
In collisions of high-energetic electrons and positrons (VEPP) microleptons are born 0-1.
Masses of leptons and quarks appears from spontaneous braking of symmetry 4-5.
Mass of microlepton neutrino is equal to zero 4-3.
Spins it is equal 3/2 5-3.
There is fundamental interaction of a microlepton with three known kinds neutrino?! 2-0.
Both tau-lepton and muon neutrinos have masses from 1 up to 30 kev 2-0.
Okhatrin can precisely repeat the experiment 2-1.
He has understood, in what conditions the microlepton is born 1-0.
The mass of microlepton neutrino lays within the limits of 1-30 eV 1-1.
Mass of microlepton neutrino 10-20 eV 4-0.
10-13 ev 1-0.
13-17 eV 1-3.
17-20 eV 3-1.
Mass of electronic neutrino 70-120 ev 1-1.
The microlepton interacts with known kinds of neutrino ONLY through W (+) and W (-) bosons 1-1.
There is direct interaction of microlepton with these neutrino, distinct from interactions through W-bosons 0-1.
At a level quantum-field models all theories on the different advanced planets coincide 0-0.
On Arthur’s planet there is a spontaneous braking of global supersymmetry 1-0.
Mass of muon neutrino 10-20 keV 2-0.
Mass of tau-lepton neutrino 10-17 keV 1-0.
18-24 keV 3-1.
25-29 kev 0-1.
On some planets accelerators of protons have energy more than 10 (15) Gev 1-1.
sufficient for a birth leptoquarks 1-1.
Masses of leptoquarks more than 10 (15) Gev 1-1.
(Certainly, if life time of a proton is nearby 10 (44-45) years)
Constant of weak interaction of a microlepton is more than usual in 300 times 0-3.
A constant of weak interaction of a microlepton is more than usual in 137 times 1-7.
At collision of protons at energies 10 Gev born microleptons to find out is not too difficult 2-1.
The some physicists have become interested in a microlepton 2-2.
If I shall translate on English – will appear become interested 3-1.
On Arthur’s planet this theory has been created after the first interstellar flight 1-0.
(SCR answered that from the theory of superstrings masses of leptons and quarks on the Earth will be received in 2010-2020 years, and earthmen will master interstellar flights only in 22 century)
They did not start at all the formulation of the theory of superstrings 2-0.
They about the theory of superstrings have learned after creation of the quantum-field theory 1-1.
Quantum-field theory of gravitation is non-renomalizable 2-4.
There is quantum-field theory of masses of leptons and quarks, which is renormalizable 2-2.
(it is very interesting information)
Graviton has the mass equal to zero 2-0.
The part of model on Arthur’s planet, giving masses of leptons and quarks, is bound with QFG strongly 2-1.
All masses of leptons and quarks follow from single parameter 0-0.
In the theory on Arthur’s planet (without a microlepton) is global supersymmetry 2-3.
(earlier it answered positively)
Local supersymmetry 4-0.
(is used even more interestingly…)
Exclusive groups E6, E7, E8 as-or are used 2-3.
SO (10) is used 2-2.
SU (8)————-2-1.
SU (10)————2-4.
The number of free parameters of the theory is equal to one 2-3.
to two 0-0.
more or to equal three 2-3.
In the theory on Arthur’s planet there are the particles predicted by the theory, but not found 1-1.
At energies more than 10(15) Gev group U1*SU2*SU3 is a subgroup of gauge groups of type SU(…) 0-3.
Gauge group of leptoquarks of type SU(…) 2-0.
On April, 13th 2007
Correct quantum-field theory of elementary particles (including gravitational and torsion fields and microlepton), certainly, is renormalizable 6-1.
It can be constructed, not addressing to superstrings 0-0.
(It answers so because I have asked a question with the obvious answer – on Arthur’s planet it was so)
The way through superstrings is more hard 1-0.
In correct quantum-field theory of elementary particles there should be local supersymmetry 2-2.
On Arthur’s planet this theory is- non-renormalizable 0-1.
(earlier it answered YES)
With a microlepton it becomes renormalizable 2-2.
The quantum-field theory on Arthur’s planet is non-renormmalizanle because of absence in it of a microlepton 2-2.
For renormalizability of full quantum-field theory the theory of torsion field is necessary 2-0.
There are planets where there is cleanly quantum-field theory of the elementary particles, giving masses of leptons and the quarks, being renormalizable 5-3.
SO (10) is a group of symmetry of flavours 2-1.
At ultrahigh energies group U1*SU2*SU3 is not included into any greater group, remaining direct multiplication 1-1.

On April, 15th 2007
At ultrahigh energies all particles are massless 3-0.
Group SU (5) at some stage appears 3-1.
A microlepton – the unique super-symmetric partner of usual particles 1-1.
It receives mass as a result of spontaneousbraking of local supersymmetry 4-0.
(Pay special attention on 4-0)
Percent of the advanced planets, where there is a full quantum-field theory of elementary particles (with a microlepton) and without the reference to superstrings more than 35 %? 0-4.
Superstrings describe processes at energies of Planck 2-2.
Local supersymmtery leads unequivocally to Lagrangian to the general theory of a relativity 1-1. Local supersymmetry is broken at energies more than 10 (15) Gev 1-0.
Number 137 connects masses of quarks 1-2.
The microlepton is described by field of Rarita-Schwinger 1-2.
Microlepton – the super-symmetric partner of graviton, described by the Lagrangian of general theory of a relativity 1-3.
QFG 2-1.
(very interesting information)
At ultrahigh energies full Lagrangian is supersymmetric 4-1.
is gauge symmetric 2-2.
Members with gravitational and torsion interaction break gauge symmetry 2-4.
Gravitational interaction breaks gauge symmetry at ultrahigh energies also 1-0.
Torsion 2-0.
Theorems, which forbid particles with the higher spins, are true 0-1.
Quantums of torsion field exist 1-1.
Torsion radiation exists 2-2.
Torsion field is quantized, but there is not present usual propagator 2-0.
QFG is renormalizable in full theory of elementary particles 3-0.
QFG is correct theory, it describes reality 3-1.
At high energies QFG is transformed into Lagrangian of general relativity 1-3.
of the general theory of relativity it is necessary to receive in flat
space and time within the limits of the quantum theory of a field from
the requirement of local supersymmetry 0-0.
On 16 April
The physicists, which have read through this post about a microlepton, have become interested 3-1.
Someone began to read very closely about a microlepton 2-2.
This site will really accelerate creation by earthmen of full quantum-field theory 2-2.
On the basis of your helps on the Earth can create the full theory of elementary particles without superstrings 2-2.
All the same will receive a spectrum of masses of leptons and quarks from superstrings earlier 2-1.
This spectrum will receive up to 2015 2-2.
2013 3-1.
You do not know thoroughly the theory of superstrings because did not undertake this problem 1-0.
It is too complicated for you 2-0. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Generally, it sounds quite plausibly)
There are planets, where it is known thoroughly 2-3.
of planets where did not start superstrings, but have received the full
quantum field theory of elementary particles (with a microlepton),
exceeds 60 % 2-0.
QFG gives correctly displacement of perihelion of Mercury 4-2.
red gravitational displacement 2-2.
On the advanced planets it was more often all over again created QFG 3-3.
QFG it is true at energies 10 (15)-10 (18) Gev 1-1.
10 (18)-10 (19) —- 3-0.
In the general relativity the inert mass depends on a choice of spatial system of readout 2-1.
from a choice gauge conditions 1-1.
Lagrangian of general relativity describes the bent space-time 1-1.
It should be understood in flat space-time 0-1.
As the quantum field theory in flat space-time 1-0.
Lagrangian of general relativity it is necessary to understand only in flat space-time 3-1. Dimensionless tensor field in Lagrangian of the general relativity is a metrics of the bent space-time 2-0.
a certain function from flat4-2.
At energies, where it is fair general relativity, there is “a curvature of space-time” 0-0.
space-time flat 1-1.
At least, its 4-dimensional part 2-1.
(Probably, means, that the Universe is in 6-dimensional space-time)
So, general relativity is so true as well as QFG 3-0.
Lagrangian of general relativity gives unequivocal predictions under condition of Fock – de Donder 2-2.
Condition Fock – de Donder is deduced from any general requirements 3-0.
It is allocated by something 3-2.
It has special physical sense 2-1.
At low energies tensor of general relativity is expressed through tensor of gravitational field of QFG 2-0.
The general theory of a relativity is true both at low, and at very high energies 2-3.
QFG there is low-power consequence of general relativity 2-1.
QFG is low-power display of general relativity 1-0.
The general relativity and QFG mutually supplement each other 1-0.
These theories exist independently from each other 0-0.
The general theory of a relativity and QFG are not crossed 2-2. (!!!!!)
These are two different theories 1-1.
Dimensionless tensor field is NOT the metrics of the bent space-time 3-2.
(probably, it is the metrics of the bent space-time in sense of the theory of A.A.Logunov)
Local supersymmetry is broken at energies 0,2 MeV 1-1.
————————————————————– more than 1 GeV 4-2.
————————————————————– more than 10 GeV 3-0.
Local supersymmetry is broken at energies 1-5 GeV 1-1.
5-10 GeV 0-0.
Local supersymmetry leads only to Lagrangian of general relativity (means tensor fields) 1-2.
So, on Arthur’s planet it has been created general relativity earlier, instead of QFG 2-0.
On Arthur’s planet general relativity understand as the theory bent space-time 3-4.
Bent time was considered on the advanced planets 4-1.
QFG it has been confidently formulated in Atlantis 3-0.
They knew the world law of gravitation of Newton 1-1.
Confinement of quarks it is completely explained on Arthur’s planet 1-1.
even on several planets 2-1.
On the advanced planets there is a full theory of confinement of quarks 2-1.
On Arthur’s planet there is such theory 2-1.
The size of a gravitational constant is deduced on the advanced planets 2-1.
The gravitational constant depends on expansion of the Universe 3-0.
Our Universe now exists in 5 greater measurements 4-1.
6-dimensional space-time 3-1.
7 and more measurements 0-0.
So, our Universe is in 6-dimensional space of time (greater measurements, from them 5 spatial), including time 0-2.
The theory of branas as a whole is true 2-1.
(Earlier it answered 1-1, very probably, it carps at any “trifle”. So, it very persistently approved, that Poincare’s hypothesis is erroneous, there was, that a definition of space of Kolmogorov not absolutely correctly – in what sense, is not clear)
At energies of Planck the space 10-dimensional 2-1.
26-dimensional 1-1.
11- dimensional 1-1.
Compactification of space occurs at energies more than 10 (15) Gev 0-3.
At energies of Planck timedimension is single 1-0. (!!!)
(Probably, it is casual failure)
Lagrangian of torsion field at ultrahigh energies is transformed similarly to lagrangian of QFG 0-0.
Torsion field is very important for renormalizability of full theory 2-1.
Torsion interaction has the same Largangian at energies 10 (15) Gev 3-1.
Torsion field is massless 5-1.
Experiment of Okhatrin is easy for repeating 1-0.
But it is difficult to guess, in what conditions the microlepton is born 1-1.
At that the microlepton passed both through concrete, and through brick walls 0-2.
Microleptons refracted in an objective 2-1.
Okhatrin used a radioactive preparation 3-1.
—————————the UHF field 2-0.
He influenced something by electromagnetic field 3-1.
The microlepton at him was born at collision of nucleons 2-0.
————————————— as a result of weak interaction 3-0.
general, it is clear – is necessary collision of nucleons. Both in
experiment of Okhatrina, and in experiments on accelerators)
As to ostensibly “falsification” by Okhatrin of results of experiments, I am assured, that SCR is simply too literal, exact, understands a question too widely and carps at trifles. For example, rejection of extreme data is a usual practice of normal experiment. So, according to SCR, Perelman has not proved Poincare’s hypothesis, because it is incorrectly formulated, and the last occurs as definition of space of Kolmogorov is incorrect for any reasons.
On April, 16th, 20.45
I suggest to register a microlepton in the next way. On the accelerator NEAR the TARGET, where protons of enough greater energy (the order 5-10 GeV) will collide, it is necessary TO PUT the PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATE in the black paper, PLACED BEHIND CONCRETE WALL of sufficient thickness. Photons and the charged particles will be absorbed. Neutrino and, partially, neutrons, will pass, but will not leave a trace on a photographic plate. Microleptons (“heavy photons”), owing to the mass, partially will pass through a wall and, as in experiment of Okhatrin, will partially be registered on a photographic plate owing to electromagnetic interaction.
In this experiment, at energy of protons 10 Gev, the microlepton will be registered? 9-1
On April, 16th, 21.10
General relativity is correct at energies (18)-10 (19) GeV 9-3.
Up to energy 10(17)-10(18) Gev the general relativity and QFG exist simultaneously and both correctly describe reality 2-4.
From the theory of superstrings it is possible to receive Lagrangian torsion field? 4-0.
This Lagrangian turns out unequivocally enough? 2-3.
On April, 18th
From the theory of superstrings the gauge group of leptoquarks unequivocally enough turns out 3-0.
On 10 (19) GeV the extended supergravity exists 0-0.
————————- N=1 supergravitaty 0-0.
(Obviously, means, that at this energy it is necessary to speak already about superstrings)
Lagrangian of supergravity takes place at energies 10 (18)-10 (19) GeV 3-1.
Gauge fixation in the general relativity automatically goes from high-energy Lagrangian 3-1.
From it the concrete kind of gauge condition follows 3-0.
From high-energy Lagrangian of supergravity follows Lagrangian of QFG 0-2.
Lagrangian QFG is a part of the Lagrangian of supergravity 2-0.
QFG unequivocally turns out from the theory of supergravity 2-1.
Gauge fixing of a gravitational field arises due to interaction with torsion field 2-3.
A.A.Logunov was as a whole right, approving, that the gravitational field exists in flat space-time 2-0.
In full and renormalizable quantum-field theories on the advanced planets supergravity appears 0-0.
In them appears gravitino, described by Rarita-Schwinger field 0-0.
The sun and planets really bend around of themselves space and time 0-0.
General relativity is true at low energies 3-0.
is, probably, it is a question about general relativity as theory of
the bent space-time. Lagrangian of supergravity exists in flat
space-time and its consequence at energies below 10 (18) GeV is, in
particular, QFG)
Microlepton is gravitino, which has got mass 2-1.
On April, 19th, 2007
A.Logunov’s arguments on ambiguity of predictions general relativity are true 3-1.
Fixing of gauge going from supergravity results at low energies to QFG 2-0.
Calibration from supergravity at low energies gives QFG 4-2.
Supergravity at low energies is a gravitation as the theory of the curved space-time 3-0.
The microlepton is not gravitino as participates in weak interaction 1-0.
transfers electromagnetic interaction 2-0.
In Hilbert-Einstein’s equations tensor of energy-momentum is introduced “by hands” 4-0.
in the right part can be received by regular way 5-2.
General relativity at low energies is erroneous 1-1.
Time can be bent 1-0.
Dr. Anatoly Okhatrin

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