Training Bio-Well, Translighters, AK TOM, Shungite and more stuff from GDVPLANET
GDV Bio-Well - The reflection of positive and negative emotions on scans Video lecture The reflection of positive and negative emotions on Korotkov's images GDV-grams, Bio-Well scans, BEO grams, etc…
THE TRANSLIGHTER LAD is a system adapter for mobile telephones, computers, TV sets, microwave ovens and other appliances.
With the help of the TRANSLIGHTER LAD, domestic appliances acquire unique qualities, (more…)
BIO-WELL WATER ELECTRODE for measure the effect of non-chemical impacts on water, connects to the Calibration Unit and allows for the testing of water’s response to environmental stimuli
AK TOM AIR – is a source of low-level background waves and electromagnetic waves of extremely high frequency (EHF) range. EHF waves regulate the (more…)