Infoceuticals – files with functions
Infoceuticals – files with medical and other functions
You can download infoceuticals (ICs) of different substances, herbs, oils, fruits, etc. for health, cosmetics, veterinary, and gardening purposes created by practitioners and companies around the world.
Infoceuticals – the Network to build greater awareness of the innovative and progressive technologies in the field of informational medicine and its use to achieve optimal wellness.
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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA), sometimes called degenerative joint disease, is the most common chronic joint disease around the world and the leading cause of pain and disability among the elderly. It is a result of the gradual breakdown of joint cartilage (that is the tough elastic material that covers and protects the bone) and the underlying bone. The joints most commonly affected by OA are the knees, hips, hands, and spine. Although OA affects everyone differently, usual symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, reduced mobility, and swelling. There is currently no cure for OA; however, common treatment strategies for pain management involve the use of pharmacological agents. These treatment options are effective in reducing pain and inflammation; however, their long-term use is associated with negative side effects. As a result, many people suffering from OA turn to alternative therapies like pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy. In fact, several studies have been reported illustrating the promising effects of PEMF therapy for bone- and cartilage-related diseases such as knee osteoarthritis.
Interestingly, even though many people were turning to PEMF therapy for OA in the year 2000, it was not fully analyzed for its efficacy by a panel of experts responsible for making recommendations to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). Nevertheless, following the publication of numerous randomized trials showing the benefits of PEMF to improve OA symptoms, a revised version of the EULAR recommendations was published, which recognized PEMF as a suitable treatment option for knee OA.
This post summarizes the findings of a publication titled “Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review” by We et al., which looks at the efficacy of PEMF for the management of knee OA through reviewing various randomized, placebo-controlled studies.
What did the authors find?
The authors found 36,379 studies reported in the literature; however, through screening, the authors were able to narrow their selection to 14 studies. For these 14 studies, the median age of the participants was 63 years (range 60-73 years). In essence, there were a total of 482 patients who underwent PEMF treatment and 448 patients who received the placebo. With respect to the PEMF therapy, although most of the studies applied PEMF for 6 weeks, the frequency and pulse length of the emitted electromagnetic field were not the same among the trials.
Efficacy of PEMF Therapy in Managing Knee OA
The efficacy of PEMF to manage knee pain was researched and it was found that for trials employing high-quality methodology, PEMF was significantly more effective at weeks 4 and 8 compared to the placebo. Additionally, for trials that met the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) reference levels, it was found that PEMF treatment relieved knee pain at 8 weeks.
The efficacy of PEMF on knee function was also explored and the results showed that there was a significant improvement in knee function 8 weeks following the initial treatment.
What does this mean?
Although the authors recognize that further work is still needed to conclusively evaluate the efficacy of PEMF, the review provided promising evidence, which supports the potential use of PEMF therapy as an alternative or complementary technique to manage knee OA without any negative side effects.
To read the entire publication, please click here.
Seminar: New Horizons in Water Science – Evidence for Homeopathy
On July 14, 2018, some of the world’s leading scientists attended an international seminar at the Royal Society of Medicine in London to discuss the latest research related to the properties of water and health. The seminar was organized by Lord Ward-Atherton who felt that recently there has been overwhelming attacks on homeopathy “which have been amongst the most vociferous ever witnessed in a therapeutic modality”.
Some of the speakers included:
i) Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier who presented a lecture titled ‘Informative water structures in diseases: from quantum physics to homeopathy’ and addressed the negative impact of environmental pollutants and their potential role in the rise of adverse health conditions.
ii) Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson, an emeritus professor of physics at the University of Cambridge and supporter of the theory of “water memory”, spoke about water structures and water behavior under different circumstances.
iii) Professor Gerald Pollack from the University of Washington talked about the structure of water and the ‘exclusion zone’ (EZ) – the latter being a large zone of water that forms next to many submersed materials and virtually excludes everything.
iv) Professor Vladimir Voeikov from Moscow State University presented a talk titled ‘Nanoassociates in highly diluted solutions as a possible foundation of homeopathy’ and examined the importance of structured water in vital processes in living systems.
v) Dr Robert Verkerk who is the Executive and Scientific Director at the Alliance for Natural Health International discussed sustainable healthcare and the role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the paradigm shift in healthcare.
This seminar presented a stage for great minds to come together and challenge scientific dogma for the better by delivering revolutionary evidence from the realms of non-conventional medicine. The seminar was a success and hopefully will inspire more collaboration between traditional and non-traditional researchers to improve understanding of complex health-related problems and their treatment.
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Electronic Homeopathy VS. Placebo – Is There a Difference?
Electronic homeopathy, also known as infoceutical (IC), is water (or other carriers) imprinted with electromagnetic information of biologically active substances and its use as an alternative treatment method has shown great promise. Nevertheless, as with conventional homeopathy, there is still controversy surrounding the therapy. In this post, we review a publication titled “Absorption Spectra of Electronic-Homeopathic Copies of Homeopathic Nosodes and Placebo Have Essential Differences” by V. I. Korenbaum et. al. that aims to provide objective scientific data, through the use of absorption spectroscopy, to illustrate whether there is a difference between samples prepared via electronic homeopathy and placebos.
What did the authors do?
The authors performed a double-blind randomized experiment wherein they looked at 7 homeopathic nosodes (i.e. homeopathic remedies prepared from a pathological specimen) which were:
- DNA-tox – an indicator of DNA affection caused by an organism being exposed to toxic agents;
- Bacteria – a superposition of 27 pathogenic bacteria;
- Manus – a harmonizing nosode;
- Fungus – a superposition of 17 pathogenic fungi;
- Toxic Metal – a superposition of 27 salts of heavy metals and toxic metals;
- Virus – a superposition of 25 pathogenic viruses; and
- Vanilmandelic acid (VMA) – a product of noradrenaline and epinephrine metabolism.
For each nosode, 9 electronic homeopathy, also known as infoceutical (IC), samples were prepared using sterile saline solution for a total of 63 samples (Fig. 1). Additionally, 27 placebo samples were prepared. The absorption spectra of the samples were determined using a double-beam spectrometer in the wave band 800-600 nm at an interval of 0.5 nm and the values of optical density were recorded.

Fig. 1. Overview of the experimental procedure.
What did the data reveal?
The authors discovered that there was indeed an effect seen for most of the IC samples. In fact, manus IC, DNA-tox IC, and toxic metal IC all showed statistically significant spectral differences in the band of 800-700 nm in at least 4 regions of the spectrum compared to the placebo. With respect to the other IC samples, bacteria IC and Vanilmandelic acid IC differed significantly in only one of the spectral regions compared to the placebo and for fungus IC and virus IC, there was no difference observed. Additionally, there was no significant difference seen between the spectra for the 27 placebo samples.

Fig. 2. The number of spectral differences observed for various IC samples compared to placebo.
Infoceuticals Frequently Asked Questions
What’s next?
Although further work is needed to understand why some IC samples showed a significant difference compared to the placebo and others did not, the data presented by Korenbaum et. al. still provides scientific evidence illustrating that there is indeed a difference between electronic homeopathic remedies and placebos, therefore supporting the use of electronic homeopathic remedies, and thus infoceuticals, as a form of alternative/complementary therapy.
To read the entire publication, please click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are infoceuticals (ICs)? What is the connection between homeopathy and infoceuticals?
Infoceuticals (ICs) are electromagnetic signals recorded from substances that have healing, therapeutic, or other biological effects. Simply put, ICs can be regarded as the evolution of homeopathy for the 21st century. Much like homeopathy, ICs work by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities. It is possible to transfer ICs to water and then by consuming this water, deliver the information to the body to promote self-healing.
2. Should I substitute my medication with infoceuticals?
No. If you currently use any medication, do not replace them with infoceuticals. Infoceuticals should only be used to complement your treatment. If and when you will need to change your medication dosage, contact the practitioner who prescribed the medication to you and they will make the necessary adjustments.
3. How much IC water should I drink? Is there a dose effect?
It does not matter whether you drink 250 mL of IC water or 1 L – one glass of IC water contains the same amount of information as two glasses of water with the same IC. What is important is to drink IC water 2-3 times a day. This is because we need to periodically supply and influence the body with infoceuticals in order to cause an informational effect on the body.
4. How should I store the prepared IC water?
IC water should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, and at least one meter away from electrical devices.
5. Are there any side effects to infoceuticals?
There have been no reports of negative effects from infoceuticals. If an infoceutical is not right for you, it will not resonate with your body and thus will not affect you. Some people may notice mild body pain during the first few days of using infoceuticals, which is normal and practitioners interpret this as the start of the body’s healing process using the newly acquired information. If you have any concerns, please contact your practitioner.
6. Can children drink IC water?
Children may drink IC water under parental supervision. If your child is taking any medication, do not substitute their medication with infoceuticals – IC water should be used to complement their current treatment.
7. Can I give IC water to my pet?
You may give your pet IC water to drink. However, if your pet is taking any medication, do not substitute their medication with infoceuticals.
8. How many infoceuticals can I use for my personal complex? How many ICs can I store in a bottle? Is it possible to use multiple bottles together?
The number of infoceuticals that can be used for each personal complex depends on the person’s health and energy state. However, we recommend not to put more than 5 or 6 infoceuticals per personal complex to ensure that the body can process the provided information.
You can transfer up to 6 ICs or one IC Complex per bottle. You may prepare a few bottles with different ICs or IC Complexes. You can use each bottle, one after the other, 2-3 times a day or as recommended by your practitioner.
IC Platform – the place where you can download infoceuticals (ICs) of different substances, herbs, oils, fruits, etc. for health, cosmetics, veterinary, and gardening purposes created by practitioners and companies around the world.
The IC Platform is also a network to build greater awareness of the innovative and progressive technologies in the field of informational medicine and its use to achieve optimal wellness.
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Infopathy and Infoceuticals
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Infoceuticals – files with medical and other functions
You can download infoceuticals (ICs) of different substances, herbs, oils, fruits, etc. for health, cosmetics, veterinary, and gardening purposes created by practitioners and companies around the world.
Infoceuticals – the Network to build greater awareness of the innovative and progressive technologies in the field of informational medicine and its use to achieve optimal wellness.
You can download Infoceuticals here for free