The headband system adapter Eureka tailors the system of human knowledge to other knowledge systems. Eureka helps to construct new knowledge, creating conditions for striking effect. Eureka helps to lower the threshold of perception and in less time to perceive more of the necessary information. Due to the increase in dimensionality, the brain begins to perceive what was previously inaccessible.…
Bionet Gold Mask activates internal reserves of your body, giving them wherever you want You can make the skin firm and elastic, improve metabolism in the whole body, and simply increase their life potential Normalization of the organ systems
The Biointernet Mask Infinity Powerful the Biointernet Mask Sleep mask for Bionet users Masking technologies - The Infinity Mask Another Door to the Future About Infinity
THE BIOINTERNET MASK is a sleeping mask with systemic adapters, BLAGA devices, which stimulate, through quantum physics, the parts of the brain, responsible for vision, intuition and creativity THE BIOINTERNET MASK – device for Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices