AK TOM device


AK TOM device – Portable apparatus EHF and IR therapy with changeable oscillators

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AK TOM device – Portable apparatus EHF and IR therapy with changeable oscillators

AK TOM is the portable EHF-IR therapy apparatus with changeable oscillators. The oscillators (radiators) are connected to the apparatus channels with the help of the flexible cables with sockets.

AK TOM is a new generation of equipment for the effective influence on the body and completely safe. The greatest therapeutic effect is manifested in the solution of the problems causing difficulties in the traditional approach to treatment.

AK TOM is unique device and using modern technology it embodies the idea of oriental medicine.

The concept of EHF-radiation (EHF therapy, EHF Puncture) for treatment combines the construction of Oriental Medicine and modern quantum mechanical models that have been adopted around the world, in particular, constitute the theoretical basis Homotoxicology and contemporary German school of homeopathy. Oriental medicine considers the human body as a combination of physical and energetic start, which corresponds to the basic postulate of quantum mechanics on the dualism of matter.

Indications for use AK TOM device:

Mouth- and throat problem
Heart- and vascular problems
Respiratory organs
Stomach and intestine problems
Arms and legs problems
Sexual organs
Skin problems
Immune defense

The apparatus AK TOM device has 11 modes of operations.

Each mode is designed taking into account effects on specific organs and body systems:

1 – “universal” EHF-mode;

2 — mode of “record” for the subsequent BRR-influence;

3 — stressful conditions;

4 — illnesses of the throat and larynx;

5 — illnesses of the cardiovascular system;

6 — illnesses of respiratory organs;

7 — illnesses of endocrine system, illnesses of digestive organs;

8 — illnesses of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue;

9 — illnesses of urinogenetals system;

10 — illnesses of skin and subcutaneous fat;

11 — operating mode on biologically active points (BAP);


The presented list does not limit indications for use the apparatus, but each particular case should be preceded by consultation by an attending physician to determine the final diagnosis and exclude individual contraindications. At the difficult diagnosis the initial course of treatment demands obligatory control and/or specialist participation.

AK TOM oscillators

Technical characteristics AK TOM device:

Density of the output power flow for EHF oscillators (№1—3) should be at least 5×10-10 Watt/cm2.

The frequency of radiation impulses is in the range of 0,1—20 Hz.

There are two channels to connect the oscillators to the apparatus.

Power supply consists of 2 АА, LR06-type batteries.

Overall apparatus dimensions do not exceed 90 × 190 × 70 mm.

The weight of the unpacked apparatus with oscillators is not more than 400 g.

The apparatus is a source of weak non-ionizing radiation.

Power requirement of the apparatus is ≤ 500 mW.

The apparatus “Spinor LCD” includes standard АА LR06 batteries.

Battery capacity is sufficient for approximately 3 month of everyday use.

FORBIDDEN use salt batteries as the power supply elements (marked R06).

If the apparatus is not intended to be used for a long time, remove the batteries from the battery compartment.