Bio Yantra


Translighters Bio Yantra

BIO-YANTRA – Translighters Equipment

  • Enables quick revival of energy
  • Eliminates external and internal pathogens
  • Corrects structural distortions

Once in a while all of us feel lack of energy, fatigue, physical exertion, high anxiety, decreased vitality, tension in personal relationships, etc.



Translighters Bio Yantra

BIO-YANTRA – Translighters Equipment

  • Enables quick revival of energy 
  • Eliminates external and internal pathogens
  • Corrects structural distortions

Once in a while all of us feel lack of energy, fatigue, physical exertion, high anxiety, decreased vitality, tension in personal relationships, etc.


Such states can be caused by a number of reasons:

1. Infections of a parasitic nature that cause long-term health problems.

2. External or imposed destructive programs in consciousness which provoke a person to do harm to themselves and others; pathological addictions.

3. Difficult relationships with other people, in which one participant exhausts the other one by using their energy. People call this phenomenon energy vampirism.

The BIO-YANTRA system was developed to help people cope with the intensive flow of energy and information in the modern world.

Using BIO-YANTRA will enable you to get rid of malicious infections and information debris, you will restore your energy faster and feel harmony with yourself, as well as with other people and the world in general.

What does BIO-YANTRA do:

  • Facilitates the growth of your personal energy.
  • Gives strength to overcome difficulties and obstacles. Reduces the risk of physical exertion, fatigue, loss of vitality. Acts as a powerful defense mechanism against external negative energy.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Accelerates the cleansing of the body from infections, parasites and toxins.
  • Improves sociability and mutual understanding, brings relationships between people to a qualitatively new level – the level of mutual support and reinforcement.
  • Decreases anxiety levels, helps to get rid of depression.
  • Transforms negative energy into a positive one. Helps to transform physical, psychological, emotional and informational addictions. 
  • Brings the feeling of serenity and purity
  • Increases the vitality and intensifies the joy of life

BIO YANTRA is an effective tool for neutralizing parasitism of various origins and for quick restoration of a person’s energy.

The BIO YANTRA system was designed to help you find a way out of a weakened state. It is a system for effective regulating your life.

BIO YANTRA harmonizes different systems and adjusts them to each other: for example, it adjusts a person to a person, a person to animals, plants, other objects, space, as well as other manifestations of the world around us. 

In the modern world, where a person is constantly forced to multitask and is surrounded by an extraordinary load of information, it becomes difficult to maintain health, working capacity, the feeling of lightness and joy. Personal well-being and taking care of the health of your own body are overlooked. 

Fatigue accumulates, minor ailments turn into chronic diseases, the body ceases to cope with stress and begins to malfunction. Someone may continuously ignore the fact that their weight is growing, the level of sugar in their blood is increasing, their eyesight is deteriorating, their hair is thinning, occasional pains become frequent or even chronic… And only when out of a sudden some organ completely fails, the person hurries to a hospital, so that something that had been destroyed for years, could be quickly fixed. 

All these unfortunate consequences can be prevented, if you intervene in the chain of events earlier. Think about your own well-being, slow down your insane race for success, prestige and glamour. Feel yourself and the needs of your own body, which is always ready to tell you what it needs.

The accumulated knowledge gives us an opportunity to fulfill a man’s long-cherished dream of creating a “magical pill” that would help us normalize the systems of our organism, its energy, as well as our consciousness, and by doing this prevent possible diseases.

Using BIO YANTRA enables you to be always in a good shape, to forget about diseases and to feel lightness in all your endeavors. BIO YANTRA will give you the strength to overcome difficulties and the courage to make positive changes in your life. By following your Life Path, you can easily go through the necessary karmic transformations.

How does BIO YANTRA work

BIO YANTRA contributes to the restoration of balance in the world around you. It neutralizes structural distortions in relationships and in your environment, and thereby creates a harmonious space and homogeneous time around you. It eliminates distortions in the information exchange with the world around you, which leads to optimization of all life processes. This helps prevent recurrent diseases and infections. 

Functioning principle

The unique BIO YANTRA technology combines innovative structural filters, which correct energy metabolism, with harmonizing shapes of sacred geometry that are known from ancient times.

The functioning principle of the device is based on the developments in the field of informational transfer of qualitative normalization of biosystems. The following beneficial effects of the BIO YANTRA system have been confirmed by studies:  better adaptation of living systems and increase in their resistance to environmental factors, reducing stress levels, reducing pathogenic organisms in all examined patients. The BIO YANTRA plate includes multilayered physical structures of various dimensionality (for more information about Physical Structures, see the Theory of Physical Structures by Y.I. Kulakov). In this module of the BIO YANTRA system the most significant structures are the ones that contribute to fast normalization of all body systems, strong protection from energy influences, structures for transforming negative energy into a positive one, as well as a comprehensive antiparasitic program of a broad spectrum and a universal detox program.

In the design of the BIO YANTRA, the sacral Durga Yantra symbol is used, that also contributes to rapid restoration, harmonization and protection from external negative energy.

The Durga-Yantra sign, depicted on the front side of the BIO YANTRA, symbolizes the energy that helps to overcome poverty, suffering, hunger, bad habits, illnesses and addictions. Thanks to its new structural combination, BIO YANTRA helps you to restore harmony and fills you with strength and determination to move forward along your spiritual and life path.

Recommendations for application:

1. Duration of application: decide based on the way you feel. From 10 minutes a day to constant wearing.

2. It is recommended to keep BIO YANTRA close to your body. The distance should not exceed 30 cm. For convenience, you can put the plate in your pocket (wallet, handbag, backpack) or wear it on a string on your chest at the level of your solar plexus.

3. Long-term contact of the plate with human skin is not recommended for hygienic reasons; it should also be avoided in order to prevent possible damage that could be caused to the plate by aggressive skin environment. (You can use an optional carrying case, cardholder, badge or homemade woven bag.)

 4. At night you can put the plate under your pillow.

5. For even greater efficiency, use recovery settings. As an example, read the simple techniques described in the application.

For example, 1) formulate an intention aimed at reducing the influence of destructive connections and problematic situations. “I am transparent to any energy influences”, or “I solve all problems and tasks with ease”, or “Every day I feel more inner strength in myself. My life energy is increasing with every breath”.

2) Write this intention down on paper.

3) Observe and note the slightest changes happening in your life that are related to the recorded intention. You can write them down briefly, in order to see the transformation dynamics in the future.

How to use Translighters Digital

Translighters Digital Images:

  1. Download Image (s)
  2. Download TD Image file to your devices (Smartphone, Laptop, TV, etc)
  3. You can use TD Image digitally like screensaver or/and desktop
  4. You can use TD Image on Meditation
  5. You can use TD Image like a print on the wall
  6. You can use TD Image like image on bags, clothes, water bottle, cover for notebook and more unlimited applications

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