Lucky Translighters Set


Eureka (225), Infinity (380), Bio Yantra (274), Energy of Time (285)

Lucky Gift – BLAGA (375 EUR)




The headband system adapter Eureka tailors the system of human knowledge to other knowledge systems.

Eureka helps to construct new knowledge, creating conditions for striking effect.

Eureka helps to lower the threshold of perception and in less time to perceive more of the necessary information.

Due to the increase in dimensionality, the brain begins to perceive what was previously inaccessible.


Infinity, in addition to improving eye function, helps to process information in a Dream.

During sleep, the brain switches from the mode of accumulation of information to its processing.

External information flows are sharply reduced and it becomes possible to comprehend random events accumulated during the day.

Infinity promotes the transition to a special border state between sleep and wakefulness, in which information from the subconscious is easily perceived and a new synthesis understanding of the information processes that have passed during the day arises.

Many scientists note that discoveries and inventions come to them in a dream. The most famous case is that of Mendeleev, who dreamed of his Periodic Table of the Elements. Nikolo Tesla wrote about his inventions in such borderline states between sleep and wakefulness.

Bio Yantra

  • Enables quick revival of energy
  • Eliminates external and internal pathogens
  • Corrects structural distortions

Once in a while all of us feel lack of energy, fatigue, physical exertion, high anxiety, decreased vitality, tension in personal relationships, etc.

Energy of Time

To ensure active attention and implementation of the process of luck, energy is needed that could provide structural synthesis and form a new life time of the Happy Event.

Time Energy of time helps to provide energy for the time of Life.

In some cases, luck is hindered by various parasites, both structurally informational and material, which take away your life energy.

A gift – BLAGA 375

Blaga – The system for structural and informational optimization of business

Blaga – The Modulator of spatial-temporal resources

The system BLAGA is intended for increasing the flow of wealth and resources (including financial ones).

Eureka (225), Infinity (380), Bio Yantra (274), Energy of Time (285)

Lucky Gift – BLAGA (375 EUR)