Red Oscillator for AK TOM


Red Oscillator for AK TOM

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Interchangeable therapeutic radiator with a resonance frequency 40-43 GHz (7,5 — 6,977mm) (EHF) corresponds to a resonant frequencies blood and circulatory system.

It is applied:

For the purpose of augmentation of endurance and concentration of attention in the conditions of the raised exercise and mental stress

For prophylaxis of development of strokes, infarcts.

For acceleration of processes of neogenesis at treatment of wounds, including postoperative, at treatment of fractures

For normalization of a blood count at restoration after chemio — and radiotherapies.

In a cosmetology for improve skin nutrition

For improvement of a cerebral circulation

At complex treatment of stresses and a syndrome of chronic fatigue.

Red Oscillator for device AK TOM:

Improves micro-blood circulation

Reduces a fabric hypoxia, enlarges saturation of tissues oxygen by 4-6 times

Possesses dezagregatsionny action (eliminates pasting of erythrocytes and other blood cells), reduces viscosity of a blood.

Accelerates an adhesion of wounds

Promotes a resorption of cicatrixes

Has analgesic effect

Promotes detoxicating of an organism

Promotes maturing of stem cells

Possesses spasmolytic action

Improves hemopoiesis function, normalizes a blood count

Possesses the rejuvenating action