Shungite – magic stone on GDVPLANET
Shungite is a unique Precambrian carbonaceous natural mineral of organic origin that can be found in its raw form only in the Republic of Karelia, the Russian Federation, where the only deposit of this amazing mineral is located.
The stone received its name from the name of the river and a small village called Shunga where it was first discovered.
Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in it. Type III and type II shungite is usually called regular shungite stone and they contain from 30 to 50 per cent of carbon and from 50 to 90 per cent of carbon respectively. Shungite with the carbon contect of more than 90 % has silvery surface and is called elite shungite.

Nowadays shungite can be also referred to as a magical stone, a stone of life or a healing mineral due to its multiple healing, curative and protective properties that goes back far more than several generations. Some experts claim that the mineral is approximately 2 billion years old and it starts its existence long before life existed on Earth.
In a modern world shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days.
Besides, shungite has a unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells of a human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and spherical fullerene molecules contained in the shungite carbon make it extremely useful in cosmetic medicine and beauty culture.
Therefore, shungite is capable of reducing the effects of EMF radiation, neutralizing geopathic stress and tension, activating healing properties of the human body and providing physical and spiritual healing to a person using it. All these properties contribute to the fact that this magical stone is so popular all over the world.
The authenticity of the shungite pieces can be proved with a simple test. One of the brightest features of authentic shungite as a stone is that it is electrically conductive. Thus, you can take a battery, bulb and two wires and make streamline of electricity coming from battery to bulb with one of the wires being connected to battery and another to bulb with a shungite stone between them. If shungite it authentic you will see that the shungite conducts electricity and bulb lightens due to the high carbon content in shungite, which is not usually seen with other stones.
Order Shungite here

Magical stone. Karelian miracle. One of its kind.
Yes, it is all about shungite stone. People have been amazed by its properties for many decades.
However, what exactly makes it so special?
First of all, shungite deposits are extremely rare.
The Republic of Karelia, in the North-Western region of Russia, is the only place on Earth where it can be found.
Secondly, wonderful properties of shungite stone are defined by its structure. It consists of particular carbon molecules called fullerenes.
Actually, shungite is the only natural stone that contains them. The most interesting part is that fullerenes act like antioxidants and prevent some types of cell damage by neutralizing free radicals.
Since its discovery, shungite stone has been used in various spheres starting
from metallurgy and ending with the spa treatment. Nevertheless, shungite products can be handy in everyday routine as well. Here are some ways to make your life easier and better by using this miraculous shungite stone.

Water Purification
Probably, shungite stones are most famous for their filtering properties. As it has been said previously, shungite consists of carbon molecules which can effectively purify water. Thanks to unique chemical composition and high sorption capacity shungite stone absorbs up to 95% of water polluting elements including lead, nitrates and many other harmful chemicals and organic compounds.
What is most important, shungite stone not just cleans water but also makes it mineralized and endues with therapeutic properties. Shungite water has optimal micro-mineral composition that will strengthen your immune system, improve functioning of digestive system, activate cellular regeneration and blood circulation. Besides, shungite water will fill you with essential nutrients and minerals. It may sound like something intricate but making shungite water is really easy.
At first, you need to choose what kind of shungite stones you are going to use. Both regular and elite shungite water stones in their raw form are suitable. Regular shungite stones contain about 30-65% of carbon; and elite (or noble) shungite may contain almost 98% of it. Therefore, elite shungite stones are considered to be more efficient and in comparison with regular shungite you will need fewer elite stones to filter the same amount
of water.
Secondly, follow these simple instructions: put 150-200 grams of regular shungite stones or 50-70 grams of elite shungite stones per one liter of water. Let the water sit for a couple of hours and then drink at least three glasses of it a day as a preventive care.
Moreover, if you’d like to have seamless access to clean shungite water, you may use different kind of shungite water filters.
Clear water is an integral part of healthy lifestyle so do shungite stone!

EMF Protection
Another most common way to use shungite stone is to ensure your comprehensive protection. Nowadays people are surrounded by various gadgets and electrical devices all day and all night. Modern technologies make our life very convenient; however, they can also be a source of danger. More specifically, such devices (like smartphones, laptops, etc.)
emit electromagnetic radiation and create electromagnetic fields that may cause headaches, lack of energy and attention, issues with eyesight and sleep. In the long run even a slight amount of EMF exposure may increase the risk of cancer.
Moreover, natural electromagnetic fields of the Earth may be harmful to people; such phenomenon is called geopathic stress. Zones where geopathic stress reaches the highest levels may negatively influence health and result in weak immune system.
Both natural and man-made EMFs are extremely dangerous for children, whose immune system is still developing, pregnant women and people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. How to be safe with shungite stone?
It has been scientifically proven that shungite helps to reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation and geopathic stress. Thanks to its unique
structure and physical properties shungite stone neutralize about 90% of electromagnetic waves emitted by different gadgets keeping their signals
intact. In modern world when it is impossible to keep distance from the sources of EMF. So, shungite stone is the cheapest way to protect yourself and your loved ones.
All you need to do is to place a shungite product beside you. For example, you can put a shungite pyramid or sphere near your working space
to reduce EMF from a computer or put sticky shungite plate on your phone and other gadgets to reduce the radiation from devices you constantly use. Just keep in mind that protective and EMF blocking properties of shungite items depends on their size. In other words, the bigger shungite pyramid or sphere you have, the more protected you are. In addition, you can wear shungite jewels or just put a small shungite stone in your pocket so you can be safe at any time and place. Order Shungite here.

Physical Health and Beauty
Shungite stone is widely applied to improve health. Blocking all external negative influence, including EMF, shungite activate your immune system that becomes capable of combating any disease. Having shungite stone pyramid or sphere at home or wearing shungite jewelry in a daily basis you may improve blood circulation, normalize pressure, and improve metabolism.
The easiest way to apply shungite stone healing properties is to make shungite water. While internal usage of shungite water will treat concrete
diseases ranging from common colds to gastritis, washing with shungite water will help you to relax, restore pH balance of your skin and help to cure inflammations, acnes and some other skin related diseases.
Furthermore, shungite stones, pencils and sticks are widely used for massage. Such therapy includes placing flat heated or chilled stones at different body parts, like the neck, spine, chest and stomach. Massage with hot shungite stones helps to treat arthritis and reduce stress; and massage with cold shungite stones also helps to relax and relieve tensions from muscles.
Moreover, shungite is a component of various healing balms and gels which help to improve blood circulation, strengthen the blood vessels, encourage hematoma resorption and, eventually, accelerate the metabolic processes.
Other shungite balms are used for the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis and arthritis; as this mineral provides a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces aches in joints and muscles.
But Karelian magical shungite stone isn’t beneficial just for you health; actually, it is good for your looks as well. Shungite is widely used for the production of cosmetics as it provides anti-allergic and antioxidant effect; what makes this mineral a perfect solution to skin related problems.

Still not sure whether to check out shungite cosmetics?
Here is the list of three valid reasons to change your mind.
First of all, this mineral provides astonishing antiaging effect as shungite is a source of antioxidants which “fight” the free radicals, the elements that damage skin cells and, eventually, cause wrinkles. Shungite stone is able to reduce the effect of free radicals by strengthening cells and improving skin elasticity.
Secondly, due to a powerful antibacterial effect this mineral is ideal for acne treatment and healing of other skin issues such as inflammations, cuts and bruises by speeding tissue recovery and metabolism. Thirdly, shungite cosmetics include other wholesome components like olive oil, shea butter, and white tea. Therefore, shungite-based beauty products nourish and moisturize the skin making it smooth and shining.
Spiritual Health and Chakra Balancing
Shungite stone is also considered to have some mystical properties and often used for spiritual practices. People apply shungite for balancing so-called Root chakra, or Muladhara. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and associated with the first stage of spiritual development.
Awakening Muladhara helps to gain confidence and stability in life.
In addition, Root chakra influences the work of locomotor system; so blocked Muladhara leads to such health issues as weight gain (or loss), constipation, pelvic pain and incontinence.
As it was mentioned previously, Root chakra can be balanced by shungite products, for instance, shungite jewelry, pyramids, harmonizers or just stones. One way to do it is meditation with shungite stone items in hands or on body.
During the meditation shungite stone shields you from all negative influence, help to concentrate on your feelings and manifest your goals.
Shungite can become the stone of your personal physical and emotional development. Order Shungite here.

Gardening and Farming
We’ve discussed the benefits of shungite stone for people; however, shungite is a magical part of nature that is absolutely suitable for cultivation of different plants at home and in the garden.
For many decades this mineral has been applied for agricultural purposes. For instance, shungite powder is added to soil as organic fertilizer which also regulates the temperature and humidity levels of the ground.
Moreover, shungite stone contains such elements as phosphorus, vanadium, cobalt, copper, zinc and calcium; that is why shungite powder is able to stabilize mineral composition of the soil and speed up plants’
growth. Shungite also adsorbs dangerous chemicals, pesticides and herbicides which may poison fruits and vegetables and, eventually, pose threat to health.
Remember shungite water? It can be also used for watering plants as well.
Shungite powder and water filtered with this mineral fill the roots with essential micro-elements and, as a result, accelerate the growth of the plants.
Thus, shungite stone is suitable for all plants and its use will bring you rich harvest by maintaining quality of the soil and keeping its optimal condition.
All of these examples show that shungite stone is indeed a unique stone; and it can give you a truly life changing experience. Just try out some products from our store and make certain of magical shungite properties.

Order Shungite here
Shungite – magic mineral of GDVPLANET
Shungite on GDVPLANET. Special project by GDVPLANET.
Shungite – magic stone on GDVPLANET
- Elite shungite
- Shungite cubes
- Shungite EMF protection
- Shungite for water
- Shungite harmonization
- Shungite pyramids
- Shungite sphere
- Shungite stands